•CompanyYouRecessionSalariesDecision Matrix


The Retail Division has 26 employees, including you. The total salary for the Division is $1,365,000, which represents 10% of the company's overall payroll.

Employee Title Salary   Employee Title Salary
You VP Retail Ops $125,000     Henderson Store Mgr. $66,000
Taryn Smith Retail Coord. $50,000     Henderson Employee 1 $30,000
Shin Liu Accountant $45,000     Henderson Employee 2 $30,000
Marley Mason Marketing/Adv. Manager $45,000     Henderson Employee 3 $25,000
Sunil Mandathan Dir. Retail Information Systems $100,000     Henderson Employee 4 $22,000
Jack Danella Dir. New Product Development $115,000     Henderson Employee 5 $22,000
Sharon Christianson Dir. Retail Operations $100,000     Henderson Employee 6 $19,000
Carney Kelly Dir. Product Manufacturing $105,000     San Diego Store Mgr. $60,000
  Programmer $75,000     San Diego Employee 1 $30,000
  Systems Support Specialist $55,000     San Diego Employee 2 $26,000
  Network Admin. $65,000     San Diego Employee 3 $25,000
Karl Neumeyer New Product Dev. Manager $44,000     San Diego Employee 4 $24,000
Neil Cassavettes New Product Dev. Manager $40,000     San Diego Employee 5 $22,000


  • Retail Division Org Chart


You have four Directors reporting to you, each earning around $100K (see table for salary information):

Sunil Mandathan, 35, Delhi-born Director of Retail Information Systems.  Has been with Perigee since its founding – originally hired by Gary Nakamura to head-up IT for SolarFlare.com, and still close to him, although his role has faded in the last couple of years as Perigee signed a tech support contract with an off-shore company, ironically in Hyderabad, India.  Sunil was moved over to the Retail Division and has done a good job of keeping the POS systems in the stores running smoothly.  Still, his motivation is a bit lacking because he made some good early money with Mark and Gary on the website.  Sunil manages a team of three, and he has cross-trained them.  Still, each one plays an important role: one programmer, one systems support specialist, one analyst.

Jack Danella, 57, Director of New Product Development.  Navy vet, old school, he has always bristled a little bit at reporting to you because he thinks he should have had the job himself, even though he only had one year of company experience when you arrived.  He was responsible for producing the second best product Perigee makes, a motion detector lighting system. His productivity has fallen off recently, but he supposedly has some products in the pipeline that are destined to be sure-fire winners.  Jack has two New Product Managers on his team, both serving similar functions:  Karl Neumeyer (like you, a graduate of tiny Kenyon College in Ohio), whom you originally hired just after you started and before the Retail Division was created; and Neil Cassavettes, whom Jack hired last year when the new store leases were signed in LA.  Both of them show some promise, but are clearly first mates to Captain Jack.  Also on Jack’s team is Lydia Espinoza, administrative assistant, who was hired only two months ago but is already seen as the glue that holds the department together.  Many people have commented that the New Product team would be lost without her.  Lydia, however, is not happy in her job, and recently filed a formal complaint about Jack because of what she perceives as derogatory comments about Latinos, though he denies it.

Sharon Christianson, 39, Director of Retail Operations.  Sharon was the first person you hired after you were put in charge of the Retail Division, and she is immensely popular within the company because of the primo job she did on getting the Henderson store up and running.  She is a retailer through and through, with almost 20 years of experience running stores for companies like Ultimate Electronics and Lowe’s, though she has never done anything but retail.  The two store managers report to Sharon and are very friendly with her.  She has trained them both well.  In turn, each of the store managers oversees five to six employees.  Recently, she also told you that after many years of trying, she is pregnant, with her baby due in five months – her due date is on her 40th birthday.  Sharon also has an administrative assistant, Gideon Buckminster, of whom she is quite fond.  Gideon was a promising young accountant who had a hard time finding a job, so he just settled for this AA position – and grumbles about it to anyone who will listen.  Gideon recently filed a Workman’s Comp claim because he thinks he is developing carpal tunnel syndrome working on the computer all day.  The claim is currently being investigated.

Carney Kelly, 38, Director of Product Manufacturing.  You hired Carney almost two years ago to link the retail group to the manufacturing team in the plant.  He is a boy wonder, an engineer with a marketer’s mind, who spent 10 years in Asia supervising production lines for a US-based multinational electronics company.  He returned to the States in 2003 and went to work for SunPower Corporation in San Jose, where he helped streamline processes for manufacturing highly efficient reduced voltage-temperature coefficient solar panels for residential use.  He’s considered such a star in the industry, Perigee even has a photo and profile of him on their website.  A better project manager than people manager, he works best when he is by himself, and has not tried to fill the empty manager’s role in his group.  Mark and Gary, the founders, are unaware of Carney’s work style, although you are quite familiar with the situation and have spoken about it with him on several occasions.

Also on your team are three other people below the Director level:

Taryn Smith, 29, Retail Coordinator.  Essentially your executive assistant, whom you hired a year ago out of the b-school at Stanford, not because you needed an assistant so much, but because she is very smart and shows a lot of leadership potential (she was the head of the Graduate Minority Student Council at Stanford, and won a prestigious prize for entrepreneurship).  The fact that her resume came through Mark Naismith, a Stanford alum, didn’t hurt her cause.  At $50K she is making far more than your typical coordinator, but far less than her fellow MBA classmates.  She has often told you that she is not earning enough money to make ends meet.

Shin Liu, 27, Accountant.  Most of the accounting function for Perigee is handled by the Accounting Department, but they weren’t used to dealing with the intricacies of retail invoices and inventories.  So they shipped you one of their own, Shin Liu, who does the job quietly but flawlessly.  Last year, he discovered an invoicing error in the books that saved the company nearly a quarter of a million dollars.

Marley Mason, 29, Marketing & Advertising Manager.  You lobbied and lobbied and lobbied that you needed someone on your team to help promote the stores through advertising.  And finally, just eight months ago, you got permission.  Enter Marley, a breath of fresh air in this sometimes old boy world of manufacturing.  She hit a homerun in her first month on the job, producing an innovative mobile ad campaign (“Perigee: We’re close to the sun”) that was the talk of the Consumer Electronics Show and scorched the wires in the social media world.  She made you look awfully good. 

Perigee's Payroll

C Level: 4 employees, $1,200,000 in salary
SVPs: 2 employees, $400,000 in salary
Other VPs: 3 employees, $375,000 in salary
Directors: 14 employees, $1,400,000 in salary
Others: 206 employees, $10,300,000 in salary

Corporate Structure

Perigee is divided into four divisions: Administrative, Manufacturing, Sales and Retail.

Revenue History

2005: $95M
2006: $117M
2007: $152M
2008: $109M
2009 est: $107.5M

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